Pet Portraits ~ Commissions for All Budgets and Requirements.

Pet Portraits

Pet portraits are a great way to celebrate the life of your furry friend. I offer a number of options, from small affordable watercolours through to detailed realistic paintings. I’m always happy to discuss your requirements before you make any commitment.

To book commissions for pet portraits , the first thing to I prefer to do is have a conversation to ensure I can meet your required timeline and expectations. I’d hate you to purchase a picture of your animal only to find my schedule can’t accommodate it.

With that in mind, here’s a quick note on my current situation (valid at 9th March 2022).

Pet portrait availability : from 21st March I can start a new project but this is fast moving date.  Please contact me now if you’d like one done.

Conditions of Commissioning a Painting

Obviously, the moment I pull out the brushes and start planning your piece, my time is devoted to your commission. In order to secure a booking, I require a 40% deposit. We’ll keep in touch throughout the process to make sure you’re happy with progress. 

Good photos are a critical element to a successful portrait, so I’ll need a few of those to help me understand the nuances of your pet – both in their look and character!

I’ve only had the pleasure of painting pet portraits in the UK for the last few months, and I get lots of pleasure from the reaction of my clients. I’d love to capture the spirit of your pet too. 

Pet Portrait Prices

The prices in this first table are indicative, but I can obviously take custom requests. Just drop me a line (, or find me on Facebook at Emma Herbert Paintings.

In addition, if you head down to the bottom of the page you’ll see more detail about each option, as well as having the ability to click through to over and under £100.

Finally, the links in the pricing boxes “Contact Now” take you to Facebook to contact me, and the form at the very bottom will submit a direct email to me. 

You choose which is easiest for you.



Pet Portrait Type


A5 A4 A3
Watercolour One Animal, Head and Shoulders £85 £145 £195
Watercolour Two Animals, Head and Shoulders N/A N/A £300
Full Body £110 £195 £400




Small watercolour

A5 (6" x 8")

A loose watercolour capturing your pet's character. One animal only.

  • Posted within 5 days
  • Can be sent with a personalised note if it's for a gift.
  • Head and shoulders only.



Medium watercolour

A4 (8" x 12")

Most popular as an affordable and more detailed option, but not photo-realistic. 

  • Watercolour with a more detailed finish.
  • One animal only
  • Head and shoulders only



Large Watercolour

A3 (12" x 16")

One animal, more versatility possible. Still not photo realistic but full body possible.

  • More flexibility with style
  • Full body possible
  • One animal only



Two animals

Minimum size A3

Watercolour and coloured pencil. 

  • Head and shoulders only
  • Can add £20 for larger size
  • Free shipping




Realistic Pet Portrait - Large

12" x 16" 

A realistic pet portrait, full body. 

  • Fine detail portrait
  • Free shipping
  • Unframed


let's talk

Anything else?


I'm all ears, so if you can't find what you're looking for, or you have a specific request, please let me know.

  • FB: Emma Herbert Paintings
  • 07456 105762


Enter your details below to send an email direct to me. I’ll get back to you as soon as possible.