Choosing Creativity

As May takes flight, I find myself in a somewhat fortunate position in being able to paint. Yes, times are strange, and to many this period of isolation is challenging, but to a creative introvert it serves as an opportunity.

It's rare that I find time to immerse myself in my art, but this year I've almost been forced to do so, and I believe that it's life changing for me; it's made me realise that artist Emma is happy Emma. The question is, am I brave enough to take the leap?

Letting go of the past is never an easy thing to do, but in order to fly we must spread our wings and jump from the precipice. It doesn't mean I'm leaving the writing behind - far from it- I'm just making the decision that my creativity is enough to carry me forward if I commit to it.

Am I comfortable with putting myself out there? With You Tube videos and self-promotion? No, not at all but it's a small sacrifice to make for me to live a life I love.

I hope that by taking this leap of faith I also inspire you to do the same.